welcome to lummoxeous! (this universe is best viewed on firefox C:)

this is a universe made up of many different types of planets! like protoplanets, chthonian planets, and more!

below you, you'll spot two different ships called the aurora and the millenium falcon!
oh yeah! you know these little things you're reading from? they're DRAGGABLE! how technology has advanced.. anyways, give it a go!

[this universe is NOT to be viewed on mobile.. ):]

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tell me! tell me! why is this universe called lummoxeous?

well, lummox is a word meaning: a clumsy, stupid person. which kinda describes the creator of this universe: me! maybe im not stupid, maybe i am stupid, but i do know for certain im clumsy!

whats up with the random spaceships..

i dunno, they just ended up in this universe somehow. i totally didn't steal them. im not a stealer. trust. me.



whats your deal with alterra?


star wars, star trek subnautica, splatoon, portal
outer space, marine biology, half life literally anything sci-fi related!
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