welcome! ♪

hiii ! welcome to my website ^_^
this is a LOVELY website template called "Lucky! ☆" by Swirl ♪. make sure to give them lots of love and support!!! (◠‿◠)

i first started building websites with strawpage and carrd, but then i discovered the OLD web!! and i was like, wow.. holy CRAP. i could make something like THAT! so i kicked strawpage and carrd out of my gott damn head, and started building websites with neocities!! as you can tell, im starting with templates, but like.. its still super duper fun to mess around with them and add my own nick nacks and such.

make sure to remember that whatever youre going through, you can get through it! stay determined! each day you go through is another success!! sparkle on!!


i post random updates on my life here! pretty kewl, right? anyways, i just started highschool! ive made a really nice friend group!! their names are kai and spencer (^_^)

<( ̄︶ ̄)>

i LOOOVE sweets! theyre so gooodd... i have so many yet to try,but cookies, pancakes with strawberry syrup/powdered sugar are my top favs!

Template by swirl Code Here